
Our Expertise

Your dedicated team of experts works hard to understand your workers’ pain points and the goals of your internal processes—and that allows us to customize and deliver solutions that address your unique transportation and logistics technology challenges.

Our Approach

A Barcoding-Canada solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding-Canada’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding-Canada is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


#213 – 2999 Underhill Avenue
Burnaby, BC V5A 3C2
Tel. +1.604.260.1446

2770 14th Avenue
Suite 103
Markham, ON L3R 0J1
Tel. +1.437.538.3185

1111 Boulevard Dr.-Frederik-Philips #600
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2X6
Tel. +1.438.800.8009

How to Optimize Warehouse Layouts & Barcoding Labels to Boost Productivity


Warehouse managers are under intense and growing pressure to maximize profitability, even in the face of multiple factors outside their control like geography, changing markets, economic conditions, and global events.

But there are plenty of factors you can rein in to improve warehouse performance and your bottom line.

An efficient warehouse maximizes productivity, reduces operating costs, keeps more customers satisfied, and retains more workers longer. It won’t change your location or redirect a snowstorm, but it will support the best possible outcome under any circumstances.

It takes a holistic strategy to organize operations at your warehouse or distribution center to achieve optimal accuracy and productivity. A successful strategy prioritizes proven best practices and supports them with the right technologies and tools.

For most DCs and warehouses, it begins with the basics: barcoding, labels, and their warehouse racking layout.

When you get the fundamentals right, you achieve two important objectives:

  1. Create an environment and system that supports optimal productivity using today’s tools.
  2. Establish a strong foundation for continuous improvement.

Warehouse optimization starts with a bird’s eye view of your facilities layout.

Why Is Warehouse Layout Optimization Important?

The success of your business is literally built on your layout. Order picking times, worker step counts, safety KPIs, fulfillment accuracy, and a host of other performance metrics link directly to organization, layouts, and effective signage.

Whether you think the task is overwhelming or you’re not convinced it’s such a big deal, you can probably talk yourself out of a critical review of your warehouse footprint, but here’s what you could be missing out on:

  • A safe environment that helps attract and retain employees
  • Waste reduction and efficiencies that boost employee productivity and encourage performance
  • Accurate order fulfillment that satisfies customers and saves on returns and reships
  • Agility and scalability to keep your business growing and responding to changing customer needs

How to Get Started on Your Warehouse Map and Labeling System

The early phases of warehouse optimization are critical, so be intentional and thorough, considering movement of goods, people, and equipment above all. Also, keep in mind there’s more to a footprint than area. Think in three dimensions, and remember that an active warehouse environment means people and objects are always in motion. Get more information and expert recommendations here. In the meantime, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Start with a comprehensive survey of all areas of the facility. Note racking and other storage solutions, aisles and walkways, doors and gates. Be mindful of what’s permanently placed versus what can move. Think about where workers use forklifts, pallet jacks, dollies, carts, etc.
  2. Conduct a thorough inventory audit. Evaluate current inventory, noting high-demand items, seasonal products, and other attributes that can impact storage and retrieval requirements.
  3. Review whether additional racking, containers, or other storage solutions are needed.
  4. Establish logical flows from receiving to storage, picking, packing, and shipping to minimize picking times and step counts, and reduce the risk of picking errors.
  5. Evaluate signage and labeling needs throughout, including storage areas, aisles, racks, and item-level barcode labels that can work with a variety of mobile scanning devices to help workers pick more accurately and efficiently.

How a Warehouse Management System (WMS) Improves Operations

A WMS is the digital counterpart to the physical efficiency improvements you make, connecting every item in your facility to your inventory records. A barcoding system, labels, and scanners enable your team to update every movement of every inventory item, from its arrival at receiving to its departure in a shipment. Here are a few ways—beyond improved inventory control—that a WMS adds value to a layout planning and labeling program:

  • Improved order accuracy: fewer mis-ships, returns, and missed items
  • Inventory visibility and analytics: gather and analyze data to inform decisions
  • Better space utilization: data-informed storage decisions can improve efficiency even more
  • Efficient labor management: track employee productivity to better understand training needs and balance shift assignments and task allocation
  • Enhanced traceability and compliance: streamline response to product recalls and improve compliance record-keeping

All of these potential benefits can lead to more satisfied customers, a better employee experience, and cost savings that add up to a competitive advantage.

Do Barcode Labels Really Matter?

Barcode labels are the link between the physical (products and facility) and the digital (WMS). So yes, they matter immensely—and an expert can help you achieve optimal benefits while avoiding common (and costly) mistakes. Every aspect of a label, from materials and print technologies to barcoding standards and symbology, contributes to its performance and can determine whether it supports improvements or impedes your warehouse or DC’s profitability.

Learn More Before You Dive into Your Warehouse Labeling Job

Start your warehouse labeling project on the right foot by following proven best practices for label placement, material selection, print technologies, scanning equipment, and more. Download your personal copy of our free guide by clicking here or below.

Warehouse Barcode Systems: How To Label A New Facility. Claim your guide.
